Peugeot concept 908

peugeot concept 908

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  • Компания Peugeot распространила первые официальные фото-эскизы своего нового концепта RC, который должен быть официально представлен на Международном автомобильном салоне в Париже этой осенью. Приводится в движение четырёхместный концепт Peugeot RC за счёт расположенного в хвостовой части 5,5-литрового дизельного HDi.

    Не сейчас. Месяц бесплатно. Peugeot RC Concept. MKarolis. Загрузка Отменить подписку на канал "MKarolis"? Нет. Отказаться от подписки. Обработка   Повторите попытку позже. Опубликовано: 20 июн. г. Peugeot RC Concept. Категория. Транспорт. Ещё. Свернуть. Загрузка Автовоспроизведение Если функция включена, то следующий ролик начнет воспроизводиться автоматически.

    История логотипа. Эмблема логотипа Пежо менялась несколько раз на протяжении всей истории фирмы. Однако основной символ компании – лев, никогда не исчезал с нее. Изначально, когда, Peugeot выпускало пилы и другие режущие инструменты, лев олицетворял прочность продукции, такую же как зубы льва.

    Французский революционный дух чувствуется в любой вещи, которую они создают. Даже если речь идёт о большом седане представительского класса, который, по мнению большинства, должен быть сдержанным и солидным. Вот, например, новый концепт Peugeot RC, который компания представит на автосалоне в Париже.

    peugeot concept 908

    peugeot concept 908

    Peugeot Quark Quad Bike Style. The MMI is also accessible to the rear passengers, thanks to a multimedia screen positioned on the centre console separating the two rear seats. Два турбокомпрессора Garrett с заявленным давлением наддува 2,94 бар. The originality of the RC resides in its compact design, with the engine arranged in a rear central transverse position.

    peugeot concept 908

    peugeot concept 908

    peugeot concept 908

    peugeot concept 908

    peugeot concept 908

    Peugeot RC Concept () - pictures, information & specs

    Know-how and passion, combined with imagination, then become the motive force that turns the dream into reality. A dream that can be shared through the creation of a unique vehicle such as the Peugeot RC. The RC owes its name to its engine: The original idea was to create a limousine with an imposing style that offered its four occupants a new driving sensation.

    The fi nal design, however, is an uncompromising car that combines dynamic performance, comfort, luxury and environmental protection. In short, it is an exclusive four-door vehicle that will capture the imagination of both occupants and onlookers. The engine has a capacity of 5. The originality of the RC resides in its compact design, with the engine arranged in a rear central transverse position. Similarly the compact 6-speed electronically controlled sequential gearbox, has been specially adapted to withstand the phenomenal torque, and is located under the engine.

    peugeot concept 908

    The position of the power train allows the creation of a large-capacity boot, situated behind the fi nal drive assembly and therefore not encroaching on the generous interior space of the passenger compartment.

    This design also allows the driving position to be moved forward, maximising the driving experience for both the driver and the passengers. The design of the RC creates a particularly low-lying exterior body with a stylish tapered design at the front of the vehicle. Its proportions create an elegant and dynamic statement.

    peugeot concept 908

    Sitting on large diameter 20 spoke alloy wheels 20" at the front, 21" at the rear ; the overall effect is that of a big cat, from the nose at the front, to the tip of the rear lights.

    Lighting is provided by light-emitting diodes LEDs , with their dazzling appearance the result of a special fi nish given to the internal components.

    The exterior appearance of the lights looks like a crystal cut like a precious stone, creating a faint outline like the pupil of an eye. The bonnet draws its inspiration directly from the head of a big cat. A lot of attention has been paid to the design of the exterior body, with its lack of door handles creating surfaces of great simplicity and purity, and highlighting to maximum effect the refl ections that accentuate every facet of the body.

    peugeot concept 908

    The dynamic rear profi le is characterised by the shape of the rear air diffuser, accentuated by chrome detailing and supported visually on each side by twin exhaust pipes.

    The metallic black body colour with its bluish refl ections further enhances the impression of status, dynamism and purity portrayed by this car. The special shape of the huge front windscreen allows a completely unimpeded fi eld of vision as on the RC concept cars. This gives both front and rear passengers a sense of being at one with the outside environment. Unequalled brightness and visibility combine with a generous interior space, complete with four independent seats, helping to create a truly exceptional ambience.

    Peugeot 908 Concept (Officiel)

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