Caudron c-714 renault 12

caudron c-714 renault 12

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  • Серийный самолет получил обозначение Кодрон-Рено CRC1. Он комплектовался двигателем "Рено" 12R той же мощности ( л.с.), но с новым карбюратором "Стромберг" Винт был трехлопастный изменяемого шага "Ратье" HG диаметром мм. Запас топлива в одном фюзеляжном дюралюминиевом баке составлял л (5 л - нерасходуемый остаток). Вооружение CRC1 состояло из четырех 7,5-мм пулеметов, установленных попарно в обтекателях под консолями крыла (боекомплект патронов на ствол). Прицел - коллиматорный. Имелся фотокинопулемет. Серийное производство лег.

    Кодрон C (фр. Caudron C) — одноместный деревянный французский истребитель Второй мировой войны, разработан в конструкторском бюро фирмы «Сосьете де авьон Кодрон» под руководством М. Риффара. Серийно производился на заводе фирмы «Рено» в Париже с июня по февраль года. Всего изготовлено около 90 самолётов. Приведённые ниже характеристики соответствуют модификации C Источник данных: «Уголок неба». Технические характеристики.

    О логотипе. Логотип Renault имеет интересную историю. Во время первой мировой войны компания успешно производила легкие танки. В связи с популярностью танков компани, руководство Рено даже сменило логотип, поместив в него изображение своего танка. Но танк на эмблеме на долго не задержался, уже в 1923 году появилась известная форма алмаза Однако, это не совсем алмаз – это след от того самого танка.

    Caudron-Renault C Истребитель IV уровень 1. Пилот. Разрабатывался на базе спортивного самолёта.  Совместимость: Caudron-Renault C Renault 12 R Конструкция. 0. Конструкция CC1. Характеристики: Прочность. Совместимость: Caudron-Renault C CC1. Крыльевое вооружение. 0.

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    Баттл очень тяжелый, мыльный. До начала Второй мировой войны "Кодрон" Caudron последовательно проводила линию развития легких истребителей, на примере которых выявились все недостатки концепции. Узкая и длинная форма блока цилиндров обуславливала оригинальную конструкцию фюзеляжа: В декабре года обе машины вышли на испытания, результаты которых продемонстрировали необходимость небольших изменений.

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    Истребитель Кодрон CR

    One version, the C. A small number was also supplied to Finland. The original specification that led to the C. Prototypes of all three were ordered. One common feature of the Caudron line was an extremely long nose that set the cockpit far back on the fuselage.

    Further development continued with the C. The final evolution of the series was the C. The primary changes were a new wing airfoil profile, a strengthened fuselage, and instead of two cannons, the fighter had four 7.

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    It was powered by the newer 12R version of the engine, which introduced a new carburettor that could operate in negative g. The French Air Force ordered 20 C. Production started at a Renault factory in the Paris suburbs in summer Other projected versions were the C. None of these reached production. Deliveries did not start until January After a series of tests with the first production examples, it became apparent that the design was seriously flawed.

    Although light and fast, its wooden construction did not permit a more powerful engine to be fitted. The original engine seriously limited its climb rate and maneuverability with the result that the Caudron was withdrawn from active service in February In March, the initial production order was reduced to 90, as the performance was not considered good enough to warrant further production contracts. Eighty were diverted to Finland to fight in the Winter War.

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    These were meant to be flown by French pilots. However, events in France resulted in only six aircraft being delivered, and an additional ten were waiting in the harbour when deliveries were stopped. The six aircraft that arrived were assembled, tested and given registrations CA to CA The aircraft were found to be too unreliable and dangerous to use in Finnish conditions, and were not committed to combat.

    Two of the aircraft were damaged during a transport flight to Pori. Further, the Finnish pilots found that it was difficult to start and land the aircraft from the air bases at the front. The aircraft were maintained on the roster until they were retired and scrapped on 30 December One example, CA was transferred to the maintenance personnel school as an instructional airframe. After just 23 sorties, adverse opinion of the fighter was confirmed by frontline pilots who expressed concerns that it was seriously underpowered and was no match for contemporary German fighters.

    However, since the French authorities had no other aircraft to offer, the Polish pilots ignored the order and continued to fly the Caudrons. Despite flying a fighter hopelessly outdated compared to the Messerschmitt Bf E, the Polish pilots scored 12 confirmed and three unconfirmed victories in three battles between 8 June and 11 June, losing nine in the air and nine more on the ground.

    caudron c-714 renault 12

    Among the aircraft shot down were four Dornier Do 17 bombers, and also three Messerschmitt Bf and five Messerschmitt Bf fighters. The Caudron fighter was also used by the Polish training squadron based in Bron near Lyon.

    Although the pilots managed to disperse several bombing raids, they did not score any kills; but they did not lose any aircraft either. By the end of June when France fell, only 53 production machines had been delivered although the number varies, 98 is another common figure. Data from The Complete Book of Fighters [6]. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Caudron C.714 double review

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